Monday, August 29, 2011

Vanuatu Fish Arrival

Hey All,

Vanuatu fish just landed last night and the livestock are, as always, pretty spectacular. Vanuatu is known for their unique diversity and abberations and hybrids. After 47 hours of travel time there were only 2 DOA's (500 fish arrived). So they were caught, packed and shipped in very good condition. Much better collections habits then other regions by far.

Right now we have lots of real nice fairy wrasses and dwarf angels. Stop by and say "hi" if you get a chance. Below is the list of what's available.

BlackcapDamsl/Chrysiptera rollandi

Naso TangML/Naso lituratus ML

Moorish Idol/Zanclus canescens

Scopas Tang/Zebrasoma scopas

Green X-mas/Halichoeres biocellatus

StigmBlSuperM/Cirripectes stigmaticus

BlackcapDamsl/Chrysiptera rollandi

Watanabe Female/Geniacanthus watanabe

Watanabe Male/Geniacanthus watanabe, male

Sunburst Anthias/Serranocirritus latus

Blakfin Fairy/Cirrhilabrus condei.,

Carpenter Wrs/Paracheilinus carpenteri,

Naso Tang/Naso lituratus

Black Tang/Acanthurus thompsoni

Talbot Damsel/Chrysiptera talboti

Indigo chrom/Chromis opercularis

StigmaBlenFemal/Cirripectus stigmaticus

RegalBrokenAn/Centropyge Pygoplites

Lime Wrasse L/Thalassoma lutescens,

Tominini Tang/Ctenochaetus tominiensis

Ruby Wrasse/Cirrhilabrus rubromarginatus, male, Vanuatu

Indigo chrom/Chromis opercularis

Purple Bassle/Pseudochromis porphyrea

Squamosa 6inc/Tridacna Squamosa

YellowMLeathr/Sarcophyton elegans. Medium

Scotts Fe/Juv/Cirrhilabrus scottorum, fe/juv

Thanks Paul.