Friday, December 3, 2010

Livestock Pics for Dec 3rd

So I had some spare time after working on Tyler's 8' tank and took some photos of corals that came in last night as well as some fish.

Trachyphyllias are about 3" in size and they are very nice.

Here are the pics:

Blue Face Angel $150

Indonesian Copperband Butterfly $40

Indonesian Copperband Butterfly $40

Cynarina $75

Regal Tang Medium 4" $80

Trachy A $90

Trachy B $90

Trachy C $90

Trachy D $90
I'll try and take some more pics.  Lots of stuff came in including some fantastic Live Rock.  See you this weekend.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Fish are coming...The Fish are coming!!

Now that I've got your attention, as the title says we are getting fish in tonight.

They are from a Bali and on the list are:

Majestic Angels
Blue Face Angel
Emperor Angel
Copperband Butterflies
Mimic Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Blonde Naso
Regal Tang
Bariene Tang
Mata Tang
Clown Fishes
Salarius Blennies
Orange Spotted Blennies
Golden Head Sleeper Gobies
Wheeler's Prawn Goby
Yellow Tail Tamarin
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Six Line Wrasse
Banded Pipefish (Dactylipohorus)
Anemone Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimps
and a bunch'o snails (cypraea fimbriata)

All will be quarintined for a few days to monitor for disease.  Please call the store if you are wanting something on hold.  The fish aren't for sale until they are deemed fit.

O.C's ICE CooL.E.D. Par 38 LED Featured on Reef Builders

This is the second time we've been on Reef Builders.

Here's the link to the latest peer review.

Seems that they don't like the name of our bulb.  But forget the name, this bulb rocks.  Then again we are a bit biased.

We are working on a few new models of the Par38 as well as a Photon Cannon style 50 watt LED.

Stay Tuned, expect an announcement at the end of the year.