Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18, 2011 Update

Hi Everyone,

Well it's been a very hectic and crazy March so far.  I've been really busy manning the store by myself with Eugene out finishing his last semester and is only available one day a week to help out.  Maybe it's time to hire?

Anyways, lots have happened since my last post so I have a lot to update on this week's entry.

First off, we received a stellar shipment of LPS and SPS and aquacultured frags from one of my best suppliers.  Here are some pics.

Unidentified Acro

Australian Delicate

Hulk Acro

Ice Fire Echinata

Plum Crazy

Plum Crazy

Rainbow Confusa Monti

Strawberry Shortcake

Sunset Monti

Superman Monti

Tyree True Undata Monti

Then we got in a few amazing LPS as well, but most were sold before I could even take pics.  The following photos are of some LPS that I shipped to another store.  If anyone is interested in buying the whole colony and not frag, please let me know.  I intend to do another shipment for these corals soon.

Aussie Alien Eye Chalice

Another Alien Eye with Purple base
Aussie War Coral-This coral hurts my eyes looking at it.
Full Colony Shot-This war was around 6" nice colony for sure.

Aussie Reverse Prism Favia-Wow!!  The purple and green, such nice contrast.

Then finally to wind down the week, I received a small order of high end Zoos and Palys.
Orange Wrath of god

Armour of god

King Midas

Princess Toadstool

The real deal-True Purple Monster.  Sold.

Tyree 4 Color Chalice

Valentine Massacre

Unidentified at the moment.
 Thanks for coming by and checking us out on our blog.  More frags and corals to come.  I'll try my best to update this blog weekly as per original plan.

Have a great weekend and I hope to see you all soon.



  1. great pics thanks for the update.
    would like to see some of those new fish?

  2. Hi Rick. Thanks for the heads up and I've posted the fish.


